ABS atau Atma Bangun Sejahtera adalah Perusahaan Kontraktor yang telah menetapkan standar untuk kinerja dan inovasi teknis dalam industri konstruksi. Menjadi bagian dari jaringan global sumber daya konstruksi dan keahlian, kami adalah kontraktor terkemuka di berbagai segmen pasar. Perusahaan kami telah berhasil menagani berbagai macam proyek mulai dari perumahan, perkantoran, pergudangan, pabrik bahkan gedung univerisitas. Kami telah memperoleh pengakuan untuk membangun tidak hanya dalam skala kecil, tetapi juga dalam skala besar.

  Sepenuhnya dikelola dari pekerjaan awal hingga selesai

  Hasil Pekerjaan Yang Teruji

  Termotivasi, Selalu berkomitmen untuk Hasil Terbaik





Our Team

Picture of Maulana Arifuddin,

Maulana Arifuddin,


Maulana is the architect engineer of ABS. He is the best at architectural design and architectural engineer.

Picture of ABS Crew,

ABS Crew,


Construction worker with more than 11 years in the construction industry. They're completes projects quickly and efficiently.

Picture of Jerry Springfield,

Jerry Springfield,


He started out as a small contractor, undertaking and construction of small projects and minor work construction.





Atma Bangun Sejahtera -

Jasa kontraktor berpengalaman, berkualitas dan terpercaya

Jasa Bangun Rumah Semarang, Renovasi Rumah Gedung Kantor Gudang dan Ruko Berpengalaman dan Terpercaya di Semarang dan Sekitarnya.



Open Positions

CEO's First Assistent

227 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 2921

Job Description

Bolts Construction Inc offer clients with the support and accessibility of a local company while providing resources and stability of a multi-national company. We are committed to making a difference for our clients, employees and the community at large.

Required Skills

We pride ourselves for holding the highest standards in the construction industry and are proud members of the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). We also have positive experience with many projects under the Leadership in Energy and Environment Design (LEED) Rating System. Our entire team of 30 people are LEED-accredited professionals, making us fully trained and equipped to fulfil our client’s needs. We provide attention to details in every project and strive to achieve the highest level of execution in everything, from safety to quality.

  • Years of Experience
  • Honest and Dependable
  • Always on Schedule


Skilled Carpenter and Electrician

227 Marion Street, Columbia, SC 2921

Job Description

We strive to maintain the highest standards while exceeding client’s expectations at all levels. We not only honor commitments, but are known for meeting tough deadlines while delivering nothing but the best. We aim to create a responsive client relationship that allows us to meet and even exceed the goals of each of our projects.

Required Skills

Bolts Construction Inc is well known for its innovation and by collaborating successfully with our customers, designers, sub-contractors, consultants as well as suppliers; we have been able to provide more specialized level of services. We are continuously evolving and understand the different aspects of delivering high value construction and complex projects with ease.

  Fully managed from the initial work , down to the finished structure
  Our work stands the test of time
  Motivated, highly-trained experts committed to their work